$1.50 For Craft Work

No, not a situation vacant…


I had an exciting day yesterday.  I went to buy a new pair of shoes, partly because they would show off my new socks nicely, and found them to be almost half price!  Then I went to the Bernina sewing store to see about buying a new sewing machine.  It’s something that my Mum and I have been discussing, our old machine is heavy and never seems to be able to co-ordinate the tension between the bobbing and the top, constantly gets jammed up and breaks threads etc.  So we are the proud new owners of a Bernette 56 machine.  I have been making something, which I will show you when I’m finished, and the machine sews very nicely indeed!


After that, I went to the Saint Vincent De Paul second hand shop (it was on the way home, I swear!).  As you might have guessed from previous posts about my new-old teapot (Waipuna Hospice), and my crocheted blanket (Sallies), I do like a bit of second-hand shopping.  OK a lot.  And moving recently from Wellington to Tauranga, I’ve definitely been able to indulge in it.  Sometimes I plan my trips so that I can hop off one bus, pop into the Sallies, and then hop back on the next bus!


Anyway, yesterday at the Vinnies, I came across these three plastic bags, marked “$1.50, for craft work”:


Are you excited already?  I was!  I couldn’t choose which one I wanted, so I got all of them…  I felt a bit cheeky though!  I was so excited to get them home and open them up so I could see what treasures were inside!  This is what I found:

Various crocheted doilies.   Most of them have been cut, or are missing a circle or something.  I always want to cut up doilies for crafty things, and always feel too guilty to do so!  Not the case when the job has already been started for you!  The one with the big pointy flowers/stars on it at the top there is hardly damaged at all though, so I might have a go at mending the little unravelling bit and just using it for its intended purpose…

Some bits and pieces of white fabric, including some gorgeous delicate fabric with embroidery on it (machine done, not by hand though..).  It looks like it used to be a table runner, and someone has chopped it in half.  One half was in one bag, and the other in another!

A little pink fabric envelope with a lovely little scene of a garden and a bird house stitched on to it, edged in pink lace.

I think this one might be my favourite – an embroidered cloth with crocheted edging.  The colours are so pretty, light pink, blue and yellow, with some brighter red/pink highlights.  It’s only got a tiny bit of damage, you might be able to see it there in the lower left, to the right of the embroidery..

Some applique flowers – it looks like someone has done these by hand, although I’m not sure because they are so perfect and delicate!  They are on a white cloth, which isn’t edged or finished.

And finally, hiding in the middle of one of the packages, this lovely embroidered cloth with a crochet edge.  It’s more damaged than the other pieces (as you can see!) but I’ll have to figure out some way of using hose lovely flowers – red, purple and blue!

So anyway, that was my day yesterday!  How exciting!  Now, I’m going to get back to my sewing… I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even cast on for my new projects, and haven’t yet finished my secret project for a special someone, and the deadline is Saturday!!  Luckily, it’s a project of flexible length, so I can always just “finish” it if I run out of time before I run out of wool!