Dragonflies and the Pacific

I have exciting news. I started knitting my very very first jersey [sweater, jumper]. Well, technically this is not true, because I did knit one baby sized jersey, which I never shared on this blog, even though it is super lovely and cute! I can’t quite bear to send it to its recipient…


Anyway, let’s revise the preivous statement to ‘I started knitting my very very first full sized sweater’. I have challenged myself in knitting a lot over the past year or two, I learned how to confidently knit lace and cables, I have become so much better at reading and interpreting patterns, and there is not a thing on Ravelry that I wouldn’t at least consider. So, I really have all the skills needed to knit a jersey, I just haven’t yet cast on.


For my very very first full sized jersey, I decided on the pattern ‘Dragonflies‘ by Joji Locatelli. You can buy it for 6USD through Ravelry. The pattern itself is so excellent, wondefully clearly written and definitely a win for a first attempt at jersey making. It is top-down, which, for the same reasons as toe-up socks, I enjoy immensely. I absolutely hate casting on dozens of stitches in the round, fighting with them for several rows to avoid unintended mobius socks/jerseys. 


The lace and cable pattern on Dragonflies is just gorgeous. It reminds me of tapa cloth patterns, which are very common here in the Pacific. 



Image from Te Papa Museum (click for link).


Speaking of the Pacific, I have made good headway on Dragonflies, mostly while looking at that very ocean while camping on the East Coast of New Zealand. Here is Dragonflies enjoying the view from the pub at Waihau Bay





Now I am back home in Tauranga, and though the view is not as stunning, I do have a cuddly helper… 

